Ready, Set, Zoom …. Optimize Your Child’s Tele-learning!

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Despite the progress that has been made in lifting many of the COVID enforced restrictions, unfortunately, we are not yet out of the woods, and as a result, many students are likely to encounter some form of remote learning/educational services this fall.  With this being the case, I am reminded of the many parents who told me at the end of this past school year that their kids were “zoomed out,” or suffering from “zoom fatigue,” and were in need of a short break before beginning their summer speech services.  I could certainly relate!!!  I believe we all experienced some screen-time burnout with an unprecedented amount of daily living centered upon the screen for school, work, appointments, and even visiting with family and friends.

As we quickly approach the beginning of a new school year, I thought I would share with you some tips for setting up the ideal remote learning environment for you children whether for speech therapy or academics.  I recognize that family/living circumstances vary and some of these suggestions might not be feasible, however simply following a few could be very helpful!

  • Try to maintain consistent daily routines for your child. Since families have been spending so much time at home together, routines have shifted. A good night’s sleep and healthy breakfast are still the key components for a productive day of learning!

  • Set the video meeting up in a room that is ideally quiet, well lit, with a solid, consistent internet connection.  I have experienced clients having to change location mid-session due poor connectability.  This wastes precious minutes of learning time.

  • Have your child seated at a clean, bare table except for their device/items needed for the remote meeting.  This establishes a more formal learning environment similar to the classroom; it signals a required level of attention.  Limiting items on the table decreases opportunities for distraction.

  • For younger children, help them to get set up, and make certain they are able to connect via the designated platform, and that the tech (i.e., video, audio, screen share, and remote control) is working properly before leaving the room.

  • Try to remain within earshot should any technical difficulties arise and they need your help.

  • Have children wear headphones with microphones.  This increases the child’s focus and helps to eliminate distracting background noises.

  • For younger children, try to space out the time in between remote meetings; limit back to back meetings when possible.

  • Give your child tech-free breaks with a snack or lunch. Allow their brains a chance to relax, rest, and regroup.

  • During breaks, encourage children to engage in some type of physical activity such as bike riding, having a catch, taking a walk, or shooting hoops.

  • During busy school days try to limit the number of additional screen time interactions your child has with friends and family. Create a schedule for FaceTime visits with friends and family (when a social distancing visit is not possible)…weekends are a great time to do this!

Vance KleinTele-learning